Welome to P R Technologies and Solutions LLC

P R Technology brings a unique skill set of understanding the need of future Enterprise while what challenges they face with existing infrastructure. The migration path required which enables them to get value from investments they have made

Clients will be choosing their business partners based on capabilities, as opposed to the size of the partner. P R Technology will never be the biggest. Instead, we focus on select industries and service lines, enabling us to deliver the best possible solutions to meet our clients’ needs. With P R Technology, you get a trusted partner that can provide the insights, support and competency to propel your business forward

The challenge with System Integrator present in market are multi-fold:

  • They have a skill set of people who are comfortable with old world technologies.
  • Migration strategies are not very conducive to customers.
  • Skill upgrade is not very swift enough to meet the customer expectations..
  • The overall picture painted makes everything look very complex and hence the TCO etc.
P R Technology solves this challenge and present an agile set of professionals who work for the customer. There are islands of technologies at many Enterprise, and we know how to make them look ONE and SIMPLE

P R Technology delivers value

P R Technology stands apart by asking our customers better questions that are more insightful than anything you’ve heard. As an expert in our field, we keep striving forwards to make sure our customers’ needs are met with better technology. Technology that is simplified and that creates value for our customers.

"Our Focus on solving the problem and deliver benefit to the users:"

We offer a set of unique skills that sets us apart from our industry peers:

  • Integrated Cloud Solutions for end-to-end lift of strategic functions
  • Make your systems more efficient and productive
  • Clear focus on cost reduction and innovation to deliver tangible business impacts
  • Dedicated training programs to groom consultants to achieve certification
  • Full spectrum of communication & IT technology skills, Business Intelligence
  • A “Humble to listen, Resolve to deliver” attitude
  • Agile engagement governance with accountability, flexibility and responsiveness